Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Craig's First Movie

Today Craig went to his first movie in the theater! We went to see Alvin and The Chipmunks 2!! Very cute movie. He did really well! We had popcorn so he got the whole experience!!!
I tried to get a picture in the theater itself, but it was too dark and all I had was my phone! But here he is with Theodore statue in the lobby!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Express at Pullen Park

Last weekend a great park here in Raleigh hosted the "Holiday Express" It was all sorts of crafts and activities! There was Santa of course and then we got to ride the train around the park and see lots of Christmas lights. The only downfall it was a bit cold!!
Craig did not want to sit on Santa's knee this year, but he yelled across the tent what he wanted. Harrison did enjoy Santa!!!
We hope that everyone is having a great holiday season so far and has a blessed Christmas this week!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lots of new things

So I just realized how far behind I have been on blogging. I looked at the last entry and it was AUGUST!!!! WOW!!!!!!! Well we have been busy. That and since I got my new phone I do not use the "real" computer daily to check email like I used to!!!
Craig turned 3 in August and Harrison was baptized! Stephen had a birthday in September and other than that we have been just enjoying life.
I will try and add a few pictures of things that may have happened. Harrison is sitting up and "crawling" like an inchworm. But boy is he fast!!!!!! He is also in the real big boy bathtub with the bath ring. I can not believe how fast he is growing up. He just turned 6 months this weekend. Can you believe it!!!!! WOW!!!!! He wighed in at 18 pounds 12 ounces!
Here are some highlight pics of the last few months!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Tupperware Toys!!!

We love our Tupperware Toys!!!

Sitting Up???

So he is still a little unsure about it but Harrison is starting to sit up!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Presidental Art Project

To go along with our presidential field trip we made the American Flag!!!

Once in a lifetime Tot School Field Trip

So today we took a once in a lifetime field trip for part of our tot school!! We went to see the Presidential (yeah like USA Pres. Obama) Motorcade!!! It was great. This afternoon we are going to make a flag!!!! We were as close as the cops would let us be. Unfortunately we did not get a great pic, but you can see the tail end of the car, and we also got one of the snipers that were in the cars behind him!!!!!!! Kelly and I loved it more than Craig I think. But I can always say that I took the boys to see it!!!!!!!

First Trip to The Dentist

So Craig had his first trip to the Dentist this morning!! All in all it was not too bad, a lot of screaming!!! But the dentist assures me this is typical for 3years old!! So I will just have to believe it! It must have been quite tiring getting the teeth cleaned, because he fell asleep on the way home!!!!! (the pic was taken with a camera phone so sorry if it is a little blurry)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another Milestone

So Harrison has been rolling over (tummy to back) since he was about 2 months old. Yesterday when he got up from his afternoon nap I put him on his back in his activity gymn in the family room while I went to get a bottle. When I came back he was on his tummy looking up at me! Wow! He is only a little over 3 months old!!!!!!!